MURPHY – It’s amazing that one side can call the other racist bigots with impunity, but there is a public uproar when the word ‘idiot’ is thrown at four lawmakers whose policies are certainly worthy of the label. That’s exactly what the owner of Cherokee Guns, whose billboard features the ‘Squad’ with the phrase “The 4 Horsemen cometh are idiots.” said drives his opposition to the Democrats.
But, of course, it’s threatening and probably racist in the eyes of the Left, so it must come down. And it is, according to Allison Outdoor Advertising, who owns the sign. However, the media attention to the sign, and thus to the gun store, proved pretty effective marketing according to the guy that created the billboard. His statement is everything you could hope for if you’re tired of political correctness and its enforcers running amok.
From NewsChannel9:
“Doc from Cherokee Guns in Murphy, North Carolina helped create the billboard, which he said had only been up for a few days. Doc told us Thursday that it achieved its purpose. All the same, he says he’s standing firm in his beliefs.
In a handwritten statement, he said…
“The billboard has been driving business into our store. This was the main goal, as what any billboard is for! We give no apologies as we believe in our message (as many others do). The bottom line – this country will never be a Socialist country. I think President Trump will agree!”
Doc should get a raise.
The advertising company said they weren’t “in the business of upsetting people” and regretted it had reached that point. All that pressure is coming from a manufactured outrage from the Left. Meanwhile, Trump supporters coming to see the sign chose to remain anonymous because they were afraid Antifa would “burn their house down.”
That might seem paranoid if it weren’t for the actual cases of Antifa members ‘doxing’ people with horrible consequences, not to mention literally beating people up that disagree with them.
But call a few lawmakers idiots and you’ve gone too far!
Read more about the owner’s reaction and his possible plan to sue the advertiser here.
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