WASHINGTON, D.C. – The leaker termed “whistleblower” Eric Ciaramella is not an anonymous person, specifically according the law, and does not qualify for secrecy. Yet the mainstream media, Democrats, and many Republicans continue to assert that his identity is protected. Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) even claimed to not know who the “whistleblower” was on Wednesday.
While a frustratingly high number of people continue in this secret whistleblower delusion, Congressman Dan Bishop from North Carolina is not one of them. In fact, for days the attorney from the Charlotte area has been confidently identifying the “secret whistleblower” and calling for him to testify.
100%. I refuse to cower before the authoritarian intimidation campaign.
He’s not Voldemort. And he’s not a bona fide whistleblower. Even if he were, he wouldn’t be entitled to secrecy.
Eric Ciamarella is a deep state conspirator. He needs to testify now. https://t.co/JOxhEOOJiA
— Dan Bishop (@jdanbishop) November 12, 2019
So, I misspelled Ciaramella. Sorry. I trust @LindseyGrahamSC will spell it correctly on the subpoena.
— Dan Bishop (@jdanbishop) November 13, 2019
Saving the best for last, Bishop calls out a media complicit in covering up the identity of the leaker with faux legalese due to his inconvenient background and resume.
Legal advice from @jimmorrill:
“The federal Whistleblower Protection Act makes it illegal to divulge the name of a whistleblower.”
Wrong six ways from Sunday. The Observer has gotten just sad.
Say it with me Jim, Ciaramella!https://t.co/xNxz5MHGb6
— Dan Bishop (@jdanbishop) November 14, 2019
When it comes to attacking the LEft’s orchestrated narratives head on, if there was any doubt about the level of fight in Dan Bishop this should help put it to rest. There have been very few on Capitol Hill willing to point out the farce and say that the emperor has no clothes, so it’s good to see those representing North Carolina standing for the truth instead of “cowering” to this paper tiger impeachment.
It appears the apple does not fall far from the tree, either. Bishop’s son, Jack, was accosted at NC State a couple days ago by some social justice warriors. He was helping to paint promos for an upcoming conservative lecture on the ‘Culture War’ in the Free Expression Tunnel on the campus of NC State when a band of infantile snowflakes with spray paint cans swooped in to literally suppress their speech. Jack stood tall blocking the vandals from censoring his speech, getting himself sprayed in the face and eyes instead.
I commend Jack and other young conservatives for speaking up, refusing to be intimidated, and taking in stride the hallmark assaults of the “tolerant” left.
I know President Roper and Chancellor Woodson will protect these students’ free speech rights according to law. #ncpol https://t.co/eILWUZqTDl
— Dan Bishop (@jdanbishop) November 12, 2019
We need more congressmen, and young conservatives, refusing to be intimidated by a Left bent on censoring thought that doesn’t fit their twisted dogma.
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