RALEIGH – You’ve probably grown tired of hearing Governor Roy Cooper use partisan education spending demands to smear Republicans as opponents of teachers. Especially considering all the significant raises for teachers and bumps in education spending that Republicans have passed into law in recent years, the Cooper complaint just rings hollow.
But it’s even worse than that. Did you know that, for all his talk, Cooper has NEVER signed a teacher pay raise into law? The opportunities have been ample, but playing politics is far more alluring for these hypocritical Democrats than honestly pursuing policy.
Carolina Partnership for Reform points out this hypocrisy succinctly:
“Roy Cooper’s press secretary recently tweeted that the Gov is ready to negotiate a teacher pay raise.
Of course, the truth is Cooper vetoed raises for teachers, denying them all $1,000-$2,000 more a year.
And Senate liberals just voted the raise down 20-1.
Why? Because Governor Cooper and his Jones St. robots are holding teacher raises hostage until ObamaCare expansion is signed, sealed and delivered. Nothing for teachers. Everything for able-bodied adults who won’t work. […]”
Even stand alone funding bills, outside of budget-held-hostage stand off, that raise teacher pay are being opposed by Democrats. Meanwhile they want the public to think that Speaker Tim Moore and Senate Leader Phil Berger hate teachers, and kids, the poor, the earth, and on, and on. Including the two year budget (passed, but vetoed), Republicans have moved to raise teacher pay for six years in a row.
Again, Cooper has never signed a pay raise for teachers, though he has vetoed multiple. How does the Left get away with this hypocrisy?
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