RALEIGH – We are one day closer to landfall of Hurricane Florence and the situation does not appear to be getting any better. Some models have shifted expected landfall a bit north, targeting the Crystal Coast with what could be a Category 4 storm on Thursday night or Friday morning.
Here are some updates from local news sources, with links to follow the live coverage.
11am Update Tuesday on #Florence Still a CAT4, 900 miles ESE of Cape Lookout. Landfall timing has slowed a bit. Possible sometime on Friday morning. #ncwx #scwx #vawx #obx pic.twitter.com/raSlskc2EX
— Don Schwenneker (@BigweatherABC11) September 11, 2018
“11 a.m.
Hurricane Florence is expected to make landfall on Friday at 8 a.m.
A storm surge watch is also in effect for parts of North Carolina. A Storm Surge Watch means there is a possibility of life-threatening inundation, from rising water moving inland from the coastline.
9 a.m.
Because of the impending storm, Cumberland County Schools’ Football Games rescheduled from Friday, Sept. 14 to Wednesday, Sept. 12 are now postponed to a date yet to be determined.”
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