CHAPEL HILL – The social justice warrior crowd is so hyped up and ready to #Resist that they have a hair-trigger response to even obvious hoaxes. Such was the case on the campus of UNC-Chapel Hill Wednesday when a laughably fake call for a “K.K.K.” rally garnered throngs of sign carrying social justice warriors.
Earlier today, Big League Politics thoroughly debunked rumors of a white nationalist rally being organized by a fictitious group going by the name “Kool Kekistani Kids” (KKK). Despite the rally being thoroughly debunked, thousands of protesters showed up to try to shut down the fake rally.
Rally underway @UNC in counter protest to white nationalist ideals. So far. Students tell me White Nationalists are protesting by the #SilentSam #ConfederateSatute on campus. #ABC11
— Tim Pulliam (@TimABC11) February 21, 2018
Local media followed this story for a couple hours waiting for the non-existent White Supremacists, seemingly befuddled that they wen’t showing up.
It’s a curious weather phenomenon – even on an unseasonably warm day, with the right kind of trolling, you can see hundreds of Snowflakes.
Read more about these woefully ignorant social justice whiners here.
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