RALEIGH – It was quite the welcome for N.C. State alumna, and daughter-in-law of the U.S. President, Lara Trump Wednesday evening as she arrived to join a lecture on the ‘Culture War’ with conservative activist Charlie Kirk. Hundreds of social justice warriors with very hurt feelings showed up to label Trump and Kirk purveyors of hate that don’t deserve the right to speak. To be honest the mere fact that the previous sentence uses the feminized Latin word ‘alumna’ would probably offend the gender sensibilities of this Leftist mob that demands conformity in every way.
The level of thoughtfulness and logic typical of such a gaggle of Leftist protesters was on full display as these activists proclaimed that freedom of speech does not protect speech they deem offensive. Luckily others provided hope yet for younger generations, pointing out that protecting an individual’s right to free speech, no matter how offensive, is EXACTLY what the First Amendment was designed to protect.
From WRAL:
“[…] The event was called Culture War and it was hosted by Turning Point USA, which was founded by Kirk, a conservative activist. Some students believe that NC State is giving a voice to a group that promotes and engages in hateful speech against minorities, views they say do not represent the majority opinion of students and faculty at the university.
About 800 protestors turned out to express opposition to the event, while 600 audience members attended the speech while another 600 were turned away. […]
“We live in America where the Constitution protects our rights to free speech and Charlie Kirk has just as much right to share his opinion,” said Mallory Padgett. “If they don’t like it, you can go somewhere else.”
Jarrell Patterson disagreed.
“What (Kirk) is speaking on is about hate and we do not protect hate at this school,” he said. “We protect freedom of speech but not hate.” […]”
One of those students seems to have actually thought about what freedom of speech means; both of them will get a degree and vote. It is what it is. The notion that the conservative crowd could deem the social justice protesters “hate” and thereby restrict their speech without breaking the Left’s logic does not even begin to dawn on them.
While that basic concept eludes them, maybe because it’s because they have such tunnel vision on their goal. Those protesting the conservative event make their ultimate goal crystal clear:
“[…] “It’s polarizing, and if NC State wanted to avoid this kind of thing, they wouldn’t let such hateful, bigoted people come to campus,” said senior Emery Harwell, a member of YDSA. “We don’t agree at all with what they stand for.” […]”
See? They send the call, assemble the mob, cause the mayhem and then ask for a ransom of denying other’s speech to make it go away. All NCSU, a public, taxpayer supported university, has to do is deny the First Amendment rights of conservative speakers, students, and anyone who disagrees with the social justice mob.
That’s not exactly what this whole Bill of Rights thing really meant. That’s not to say these students aren’t learning; it just may be to earn the new doctorate in social justice the university now offers. It seems like a popular major.
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