The toll Hurricane Florence took, and is still taking, on Eastern North Carolina will likely be etched into history books. Years from now memories will be mentally classified as ‘Before Florence,’ or ‘After Florence’ for scores of people and communities.
You might be wondering how you can help. Driving down east to lend a hand may not be feasible, especially with rivers yet to crest with flood waters. Instead, donating to trustworthy and efficient charities with people already on the ground is an effective alternative to rolling up your sleeves.
CharityWatch does the hard work of vetting the myriad organizations that collect donations and distribute goods to those in need. In the age of internet scams and crowdfunding schemes, being sure your money is spent how you intended is of upmost importance.
From the tiny fishing communities in Down East Carteret County, the Crystal Coast, to New Bern, Jacksonville, Wilmington, Lumberton and too many other places to name – these people need our help. While government resourced will undoubtedly be put to work, we know from experience that government is not the most efficient or timely (Hurricane Matthew disaster aid?) of actors.
It takes individuals, acting on their own volition, to make a real difference in helping these communities get back to a sense of normalcy. Many are still without power, low on food and water and other vital supplies, and pulling together with neighbors to recover and move forward.
Click here for a list of charities that are helping them do just that, as well as for pointers on the items and methods for donation.
It may have been a campaign slogan before, but the people of the Old North State will be showing everyone just what a Carolina Comeback is all about.
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