CHARLOTTE – So, the city council narrowly voted to support the RNC convention in 2020 after protests and chicken-little messaging from those on the Left that can’t handle opposing views. This contrasts sharply with the enthusiasm for hosting the DNC 2012 several years ago.
The RNC is set to announce their chosen location anytime now, so here is a breakdown of the likely similarities and differences from DNC 2012 to RNC 2020.
“Charlotte’s done this political convention thing before, and not too long ago — 2012 with the Democrats. So some things — more traffic, protesters in the streets, all the media attention — will look and feel the same when the Republican National Convention comes to town in 2020.
But there will be differences. The novelty has worn off. And in just six years, the city and the country have changed. America is more polarized and the prospect of hosting a convention starring Donald Trump is deeply unpopular with many in an increasingly Democratic Charlotte.
There were high-fives all around last time, when the Democrats announced they were coming to Charlotte. But this time, after hearing from 100 speakers on both sides, the predominantly Democratic City Council narrowly voted this week to support the GOP convention.
Here, then, are seven ways RNC 2020 may be the same — and different — from DNC 2012.”
Read more.
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