One of three closely watched congressional races in North Carolina, the battle between incumbent Republican Congressman George Holding and perennial Democratic candidate Linda Coleman is too close for comfort.
Holding, a low profile Republican with a reasonably conservative voting record, intentionally keeps his head down and presents an ‘aww shucks’ style that previously led to comfortable victories. He even bested Trump’s numbers in the 2016 election.
His low profile, though,has seemed to make him a target of the Left in their quest to take the House majority in 2018. Assigned to the task was Linda Coleman, a former state lawmaker and bureaucrat that last ran and lost a race for lieutenant governor. She reliably supports the dominant Democratic themes, and would be a Big Government social justice warrior if elected.
The two faced off for a debate on Spectrum News Monday night. Here’s their recap:
“Candidates for North Carolina’s 2nd congressional district sparred on everything from healthcare to taxes in a debate Monday night hosted by Spectrum News.
Republican incumbent George Holding and Democrat Linda Coleman presented starkly different visions for the future of their district and the nation.
On last year’s new tax law, Coleman tore into Holding, who helped craft the bill as a member of the House Ways and Means Committee in Congress. She said it is mainly helping the wealthy – not the middle class.
“This is not the way the American dream should operate,” Coleman said,
Holding stood by the bill, saying it is spurring the economy.
“If Linda Coleman goes to Washington and joins the Democrats in raising taxes and repealing this bill, it will send this economy into a grinding halt,” he said.
There were some areas of agreement. Both said the immigration system is need of an overhaul. They also agreed that climate change is an issue and that humans are playing a role in causing it.
They also sparred on the issue of so-called “sanctuary cities.” Coleman said they are a non-issue because North Carolina has banned them. Holding, meanwhile, dug in, echoing one of his campaign’s advertisements.
“They could be here, unless we stop it in Washington,” Holding said.”
You can find more here, but our basic impression is that Holding continues it safe while Coleman continues to leverage typical Leftist talking points.
Holding’s subscription to the widely propagated myth that humans are causing global warming may make some conservatives cringe (rightly so), but his tough stance on illegal immigration draws a big contrast with his opponent. Honestly the former issues is not likely to face any sort of vote in the U.S. House, while the latter issue should be a central theme of this election and the next session of congress.
This debate is unlikely to make or break either campaign. With polling so close between the two it will be all about turn out. If you live in the 2nd district, make sure you cast your vote against a Nancy Pelosi speakership by supporting George Holding.
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