With only days until graduation, a North Carolina honor roll student has been banned from the ceremony and may even be expelled — all over a shirt she wore to school.
The student, named Summer, was wearing an off-the-shoulder top at Hickory Ridge High School on Wednesday when the principal informed her in the cafeteria that she was violating the dress code, news station WCNC reported.
The principal allegedly insisted she put on a jacket, since her lower back was exposed, which is not in compliance with the dress code.
Summer, who declined to provide her last name, pushed back at the suggestion, according to a suspension notice obtained by WCNC.
“My shirt is fine,” she allegedly said.
Since she did not have a jacket, her friend loaned her one.
“I pulled it up, put the jacket over it, zipped up the jacket,” Summer told WCNC.
According to Summer, she thought that was the end of the confrontation, but the principal told her to change her outfit. Since she has had issues with the school official before, she wanted her mother contacted before she obliged.
Summer proceeded to go to class, but the confrontation escalated when the principal and a student resource officer came into the classroom.
“[The officer] was within five feet of me, he had his hand on his gun,” she said. “[The principal] said, ‘I’m gonna give you an ultimatum. We have tried to call your mother. You either come with me to the control room to change your shirt or we will arrest you.’”
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