WASHINGTON, D.C. – Despite the still waters of the Swamp, the constant media opposition, and skepticism from all corners, it appears that President Donald Trump is making huge strides toward accomplishing conservative campaign promises. And he is doing it at a faster clip than the Gipper himself.
“With unprecedented speed, the Trump administration has already implemented nearly two-thirds of the 334 agenda items called for by the Heritage Foundation, a pace faster than former President Reagan who embraced the conservative think tank’s legendary “Mandate for Leadership” blueprint.
Thomas Binion, director of congressional and executive branch relations at Heritage, said that Trump has implemented 64 percent of the “unique policy recommendations” from the group.
At this stage of his presidency, Reagan had completed 49 percent of the Heritage policy recommendations.
“We’re blown away,” Binion said in an interview. Trump, he said, “is very active, very conservative, and very effective.”
What’s more, he said, Trump hasn’t just focused on one agenda area, but he and his team has pushed through administrative moves on foreign policy, deregulation, immigration, tax reform and health care, moves often ignored by the media.
“It is a huge volume that his administration has worked on and it is a huge spectrum of issues,” said Binion.”
This is a testament to Trump building a team around him that hit the ground running and took the president’s orders to cut and stream line Big Government, undo damaging Obama legacies, and pass long overdue pieces of legislation to heart.
It is hard to really tell how much progress is being made with the constant manufactured media firestorms, but this report from Heritage should make even ‘Never Trump’ conservatives feel pleasantly surprised. If this trends continues and Trump retains and adds leaders with truly conservative goals, Americans will benefit massively from a reversal of Establishment status quo policies. Those changes will only become more and more apparent with time – and this is only the beginning of year two.
Read a break down of some of his accomplishments here.
And, by the way, Trump just announced his pick for campaign manager for his 2020 reelection bid. Seven more years of “winning”?
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