RALEIGH – They just can’t help themselves. Actually, it’s probably more like they got their marching orders from the Woke Mob leaders. Word went out to days ago to all of the police-hating, black-clad, social justice mob members to assemble in downtown Raleigh Friday night for of “protesting.”
The organizers for the Justice for Jacob Blake event — the Kenosha, Wisconsin a child sex offender and domestic abuser that was shot after resisting arrest, a taser, guns-drawn orders to stop, and finally lunging toward a weapon in his car, which had his kids in it — somehow think officials in Raleigh can get justice for a man shot in Wisconsin.
Except they don’t; they just know that evoking the name of a black man shot by police (justifiably so) gives them a reason to ‘protest’ on behalf of their Marxian anti-racist agenda. They plan to show solidarity with the ‘Kenosha Uprising,’ which has been, in simple terms, an uprising of utter destruction, arson, looting, and a couple of dead people. The Wisconsin city burned.
That’s what the Woke want to show unity with in the City of Oaks.
Far from reform, they want to ‘Abolish Police.’ In a sign that this will not be a ‘Peaceful Protest,’ they instruct their comrades to wear all black as they ‘demand justice.’
So, it appears the riots are coming to Raleigh to turn into the City of Wokes. The businesses downtown remember what happened just a few months ago when another police killing was exploited to riot in the state capital for two nights straight, ruining many of the businesses fronts downtown.
They know what is coming, and they’re trying to get ready (and some signaling their Woke credentials at same time):
Boards are going back up along Hargett Street – Businesses are bracing for another round of possible destruction. There is a planned demonstration Friday night in Downtown Raleigh. #ABC11 pic.twitter.com/5M6QIC8YjR
— Elaina Athans (@AthansABC11) August 27, 2020
A crew working outside of @BeasleysChicken now boarding up the Downtown Raleigh ahead of tomorrow’s planned protest. #ABC11 pic.twitter.com/QOiQpBuJWQ
— Elaina Athans (@AthansABC11) August 27, 2020
Mutliple nights of riots earlier this summer were not enough, because, “the system still stands,” so the Woke will rage again.
The biggest question now, is, will the Raleigh Police Department and/or the State Capitol Police, and/or the Wake County Sheriffs Office, tolerate such wanton destruction, as they did last time? Or will they enforce law and order to protect businesses and people from the Mob?
As if businesses, small and large, haven’t faced enough hardship this year already.
Pray for peace.
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