WASHINGTON, D.C. – The Department of Justice has been dragging its feet, to put it kindly, in the production of certain documents requested by the U.S. House of Representatives, as well as shielding relevant information via choice redactions in order to protect the FBI and DOJ.
The committee chairs investigating the issue have gone so far as to subpoena the DOJ to produce those documents, but nothing has moved. Now they are threatening to hold Rosenstein in contempt of congress for not complying with requests, and Rosenstein has lashed out with his own threats to subpoena committee leaders if they do so.
While in an interview with Tucker Carlson of Fox News, Attorney General Jeff Sessions came to Rosenstein’s defense, the acting attorney general on the “Russia” investigations since Sessions recused himself, and Freedom Caucus leaders Reps. Mark Meadows and Jim Jordan are having none of it.
Watch them as they excoriate Sessions and Rosenstein for encroaching on the constitutional duties of the House of Representatives and making a mockery of the DOJ:
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