WASHINGTON, N.C. – A few months ago we profiled the conservative candidate for N.C. House District 79 Keith Kidwell. This was before the primary election, though Kidwell’s primary opponent had already withdrawn from the race, leaving Kidwell a clear path to the general.
It looks as if Kidwell may now have a clear path to the General Assembly, judging by the actions of the State Board of Elections regarding campaign finance reports of Kidwell’s Democratic opponent Jerry Langley.
Langley’s campaign committee failed to file a 2017 year end semi-annual report with the State Board of Elections, leading the Board to notify the committee of their non-compliance and inform them of the $500 fine such non-compliance carries with it.
While Langley’s campaign treasurer appealed the fine, they evidently never followed through in filing the past due campaign report, which lead the Board to suspend the active status of Langley’s campaign committee on June 11.
This means that Langley’s campaign committee cannot make or receive contributions until the filing is made and penalties paid. To date it does not appear that the Democrat’s campaign has filed the past due report, and, according to the Board’s letter, that means the case is being referred to the local district attorney for consideration.
So, unless the Langley campaign somehow clears all of this up, it looks like Keith Kidwell has an unimpeded journey to Jones Street come November. A strong, no nonsense conservative, Kidwell should do well to represent the people of the 79th.
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