CHARLOTTE – Will there be a Blue Wave? Or will a Red Tide rule the election day results? Whatever happens, a close race for North Carolina 9th District U.S. House seat between Democrat Dan McCready and Republican Mark Harris will be on the shortlist of races to focus on for political pundits. The seat is currently held by milquetoast Republican Rep. Robert Pittenger, who was beat by Harris in May’s primary, meaning the seat is open and could potentially contribute to erosion of GOP control of the House if Harris loses.
McCready is a former U.S. Marine who later took advantage of Big Government policies to establish a successful solar business. He talks the talk of a moderate, reasonable Democrat, but his walk to Capitol Hill will inevitably conclude in taking marching orders from Nancy Pelosi, whether she is Speaker or not.
Harris is a longtime pastor that talks a good conservative game. Whether he follows through on the rhetoric in congress is a question mark, but one thing is clear – he’d be a better voter than McCready on key issues facing the country. The latter calls the former “extreme,” which is a positive for Harris from a conservative’s perspective. ‘Extreme’ labels from those on the Left usually mean the target is actually a common sense leader prepared to stand up for the constitution.
From the Charlotte Observer on the debate:
“The night began with the candidates being asked if, to address the nation’s sky-high debt, they would support raising taxes or cutting spending, and if so where. Straightforward enough.
Harris went first. There “have to be some serious discussions” and “conversations have to be held.” “We’ve got to look at those areas and see where we’re going to be able to make the greatest adjustments.”
McCready said only that Trump’s tax cuts made the deficit worse (which, while true, does not begin to answer the question).
Asked what the federal government could do to address $1.5 trillion in student loan debt, McCready did not answer and talked about teacher pay, Republicans destroying public education and Harris wanting to abolish the Department of Education. Harris sort of answered, and weakly, saying students could go to community college to avoid racking up debt.”
True to the Observer’s depiction, the debate was heavy on platitudes and light on details, but what do we really expect of politicians these days? Ultimately it comes down to whether or not a candidate will support this governing philosophy or that one, and do they have the spine to actually follow through on promises when the pressure is on.
The difference between political parties may often be woefully small,considering they all like to spend us into oblivion and concoct Big Government solutions for Big Government problems. However, to say the parties are parallels whose governing philosophies get us to the same place is inaccurate.
We’ve seen over the last two years or so what an unabashed approach to government can do to invigorate the economy and global status. We’ve also seen how increasingly desperate Democrats have become as they lurch further and further Left. That is to say nothing of the descent into mob mentality they commonly stoke and rationalize.
No, while detailed answers may have been missing on both sides of this debate, the difference is quite clear for anyone paying attention. Harris, to an undetermined degree, will put a wind at the back of the Trump agenda, and McCready will be cog in the wheel of the runaway Democratic machine with social justice warriors controlling the throttle.
Choose accordingly.
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