ANGIER – This kind of thing could be expected from, perhaps, Chapel Hill, or Asheville, but Harnett County? A student at Harnett Central High School went to a school football game dressed for the night’s official theme – “USA America Night” – but was ordered to changed shirts or leave by the school’s principal because his shirt was a little too…Trump.
And now the boy’s parents have retained a lawyer.
“The family of a Harnett Central High School student is preparing to bring legal action against a school principal after their child was asked to take off a shirt with President Donald Trump’s name on it at a football game last week.
Mike Collins said his son, Matthew, was participating in “USA America Night” Friday night which prompted him to wear a shirt with an American flag and the Statue of Liberty on the front. The shirt had the name Trump on the back with the number 45 on it. The shirt is similar to jerseys worn by athletes.
President Trump is the 45th president of the United States.
All students were encouraged to wear patriotic colors to the football game.
Mr. Collins said his son was toward the front of the students section interacting with fellow students and doing “what students do at a football game,” when he was approached by Harnett Central Principal Cindy Gordon. Mr. Collins said she told Matthew other parents in the crowd were upset by the Trump shirt.
Mrs. Gordon told Matthew he would have to change shirts if he wanted to remain at the game. She told him he would be allowed to return, with a different shirt on.
Matthew did not return to the game.
“He just went home because he was so embarrassed and he felt violated,” Mr. Collins said.
“Matthew felt this was a violation of his Constitutional rights,” Mr. Collins said. “This was handled the wrong way and it should have never happened.”
Mr. Collins said his son was targeted.
“My kid was singled out and it was unfair,” Mr. Collins said.”
Making matters worse, according to the story, the boy was essentially told that if the jersey had ‘Obama #44′ on it, it would be allowable.
First in Freedom Daily & Big League Politics contributor Sonny Nelson attended Harnett Central High School and confirmed that Obama gear was common during his presidency and the elections. No one, according to Nelson, was ever asked to remove those items at a school function.
What policy did the Trump jersey violate? How in the world would a patriotic jersey with the current President of the United States on it be deemed inappropriate?
Nelson reached out to the school for comment, but was referred to the principal’s voicemail instead.
The local school board is conducting an investigation, but when that is finished, Collins’ attorney says, there will be legal action brought against the principal and possibly others.
This kid deserves an apology at the very least. Official disciplinary action against the principal by the school district would be more appropriate considering she abused her position to violate this boy’s rights.
We’ll be following up on this story as it develops. Already, we are getting tips of similar instances at other schools in the Old North State.
Read more on the Harnett County principal’s apparent anti-Trump bias here.
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