RALEIGH – In Wake County it can take months to receive a pistol purchase permit. One contributing factor to that long wait (that illegally long wait with multiple arbitrary factors) is that there are a TON of people applying for said permits.
They see the news; the riots, the lockdowns, the ease with which local governments can simultaneously violate the rights of free men and women while also failing to protect those residents and their property from violent Mobs. The result for many has been a clear motivation for owning a firearm.
Well, in such an environment, there is only one clear choice for governor according to gun-rights group Gun Owners of America:
Gun Owners of America (GOA) announced today the strong recommendation of Dan Forest for Governor of North Carolina.
Tim Macy, Chairman of GOA, said, “When considering the two top candidates for North Carolina’s top elected office, the choice could not be clearer. Governor Roy Cooper has shown time after time he’s willing to throw the Bill of Rights in the trash.”
Gov. Cooper has pushed for gun control such as red flag gun confiscation, expanded background checks, and vetoed the 2nd Amendment Protection Act.
“But Dan Forest stands in stark contrast on your right to keep and bear arms. Dan has a documented record of standing for your rights. In fact, he’s stood with gun owners when they passed Second Amendment Sanctuaries across the state,” Tim Macy continued. “Additionally, Dan has assured gun owners that he supports Constitutional Carry and will stand as a firewall against red flag gun confiscation and other gun controls.”
We’ve currently living through examples of why it matters so much who is in the Governor’s mansion. Under Roy Cooper, livelihoods have been declared ‘non-essential,’ and rights-violating edicts have been issued unilaterally by the governor. Governor Cooper has mandated five-year-olds wear face masks, refuses to allow bars and other businesses to open, and endorses protest movements that routinely devolve into riots that target innocent people and their property.
The importance of the Second Amendment has not been this clear for quite some time. The contrasts between the two candidates treatment of your right to bear arms is stark and plain to see.
Learn more about Gun Owners of America, here.
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