Greensboro Resident Gun Owner Schools City Council On Foolish Gun Control Attempts

GREENSBORO – After the mass murder at a Parkland, Florida high school, the predictable gun control push swept the country with its motive force being the Radical Left and sympathetic politicians. The Democratic leadership of the Gate City, led by Mayor Nancy Vaughn, took it upon themselves to call for the canceling of the decades-old Greensboro Gun & Knife Show, or at least deny its historic venue at the Greensboro Coliseum.

First in Freedom Daily spoke with the owner of the gun show when the news broke, and he was looking forward to the city council’s public hearing on the issue in which he and other citizens could make their case against an absurd attempt to suppress law-abiding gun owners’ and aspiring gun owners’ Second Amendment rights.

One resident, Mark Robinson, gave comments that summed up just what the attempt to cancel the event represents and points out the absurdities of the gun control narrative.

Hear, hear.

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