A little-known amendment being pushed by the GOP establishment that would import 300,000 temporary workers from India to take jobs currently held by American college graduates is “very much alive,” according to a report from Breitbart.
The amendment, which is a part of the House’s 2019 draft budget plan for the Department of Homeland Security, also puts 300,000 of the temporary workers’ family members on a fast-track to green cards, citizenship, and the right to vote.
Fortunately, though, it does appear that the DHS is against the amendment.
“It is important that Congress does due diligence on any proposed sweeping change to our immigration system,” a DHS official told Breitbart News. “The bottom line is Congress needs to ensure what they are passing is in the best interests of the American people.”
American workers have already begun protesting the bill, flying a banner around D.C. on Thursday in an appeal to GOP Majority Leader Rep. Kevin McCarthy, who has the power to shut down the expansion.
@GOPLeader TODAY PROTECT U.S. WORKERS FLEW BANNERS AROUND D.C. REMINDING CONGRESS THEIR ALLIANCE SHOULD BE TO THE AMERICAN PEOPLE!! @potus @realdonaldtrump @uscis @us_workers @michellemalkin @senatemajldr @SpeakerRyan @AnnCoulter @IngrahamAngle @NeilMunroDC @politico @loudobbs pic.twitter.com/QrdKQxXGjr
— Dawn Casey (@Dawnnewyorker) November 30, 2018
The group behind the protest also ran a billboard campaign against Kansas Rep. Kevin Yoder, the leading advocate for the establishment-backed amendment.
Breitbart – Yoder chairs the House homeland defense appropriations bill, but he lost his race in a suburban district with a large share of college graduates.
Yoder added his outsourcing amendment in July to the 2019 DHS budget to help win support from roughly 20,000 naturalized Indian immigrants in his district, many of whom are former contract workers.
Since suffering loses nationwide in the November mid-terms, many GOP leaders have failed to provide plausible answers as to why the GOP did so poorly amongst suburban, college educated voters.
OK, this is pretty nuts.
In Midwestern districts (+Pennsylvania, which I think of as part of the “political Midwest”) where at least 35% of the population has a bachelors’ degree, Democrats cleaned up, going from a 10-16 deficit in House seats to a 20-6 advantage.
— Nate Silver (@NateSilver538) November 20, 2018
“First of all, it is suburban voters. That is the number one liability we experienced,” retiring Speaker Paul Ryan admitted last week.
With college educated, suburban voters now seemingly an achilles hill for Republicans, it is rather mind-boggling that the GOP establishment would push such a bill that literally targets these voters by putting many of their jobs at risk.
“It will be very difficult for [GOP] representatives to argue [in 2020] that they are the party of higher wages for regular workers if they are backing these guest worker increases,” said Mark Krikorian, director of the Center for Immigration Studies. But, he added, there is a massive political opportunity for Republicans because “the Democrats have given up; they could not care about regular workers.”
Thus far, President Trump has given no indications that he will support the establishment’s amendment but, as Krikorian pointed out, Trump may be inclined to support the measure as a way to get the $5 BILLION he’s requesting to fund the border wall.
“The business lobbies know perfectly well Trump has been on their side …. [because] the president has the same view as the business lobbyists,” Krikorian said. “It is a misconception to think he is [an immigration] restrictionist.”
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