Nearly 20,000 one-star reviews of the CNN App disappeared overnight on Google Play, boosting CNN’s ranking on its system.
CNN is currently under fire from people across the political spectrum for its frothing anti-President Trump coverage and for blackmailing an online Meme creator into apologizing and refraining from making any more memes showing Trump beating up icons representing the CNN network.
Trump supporters and others are pummeling the CNN App with one-star reviews on Google Play and similarly lowering CNN’s ratings on other services. But many of these one-star reviews are disappearing.
Citizen activist Alex Irizarry took a screenshot of CNN’s ratings on the Google Play store late this week. The screenshot shows 49,294 one-star reviews for the CNN App out of 280,499 reviews total.
But when Irizarry posted another screenshot of the Google Play store on Saturday, the numbers were markedly different. The number of one-star reviews was down to 30,146 (19,148 less than it had been). The number of total reviews was down to 260,983 (19,516 less than it had been). There were also 49 fewer two-star reviews. Magically, the CNN App’s rating had gone up from a 3.8 to a 4.0.
When Big League Politics checked the Google Play count at 3:30 PM Saturday, the number of one-star reviews had increased slightly again to 30,190 but was still much lower than it had been just days before.
In the absence of any other explanation, it is clear that Google Play deleted thousands of one-star reviews of the CNN App.
Nevertheless, the Apple App continues to reflect the one-star frustrations of many Trump supporters and Fake News haters.
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