RALEIGH – It’s common knowledge among those that follow politics at all that Democrats historically earn an overwhelming majority of the black vote in North Carolina and around the country. Yet, the Democratic Party, and their friends in the media apparently think that black American voters are a monolithic voting group that belongs to them.
Such a perspective is evident in some headlines out of the Raleigh News & Observer, and a former Democratic state lawmaker is calling them out for it.
What an insulting headline- As if Black Americans are monolithic in thought. @newsobserver you disrespect and devalue us- pic.twitter.com/UuaUE5epH8
— Joel Ford (@joeldford) February 16, 2020
Ford is a Democrat from the Charlotte area that was primaried and defeated by the Democratic powers for daring to question the dogma the Left demands adherence to. Ford, who happens to be a black man, supported and helped shape voter ID legislation. This, among other independent stances earned Ford a pariah status on the Left.
Yet, while so many Democrats around the state actually support the Left’s increasingly radical position, we’re left to wonder how many Joel Ford’s there are out there disappointed with a Party increasingly out of touch with basic core values. Considering the burgeoning #Blexit movement, President Donald Trump’s eye-popping approval numbers among African-Americans, and the reality that black Americans are just as diverse and dynamic a “category” of voters as any other, we’d bet that there are lots and lots of Joel Ford’s out there.
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