Excerpt From: Triad Conservative.
A couple of news items led me to merely shake my head within the last couple of days.
The first was the cataclysmic revelation regarding the billboard on Business 40 near Kernersville. The message? “Real Men Provide, Real Women Appreciate It.”
It was a great message that recalled a time in the past when gender roles were better defined, and more consistent with biological and social realities.
Nonetheless, the looney local left was infuriated. And they will be protesting the billboard, directly beneath it, on Sunday morning at 11:00 AM when many other folks are in church. That gives an indication of the types of folks who will be protesting.
They will be mustering up a heap of fury at the billboard, which will stand motionless in response. The billboard cannot react to the protest, of course, because it is an inanimate object.
I hope they don’t hurt themselves.
The other bit of news that merits comment is the decision by the national NAACP to boycott the state of North Carolina. This was announced by the state NAACP’s leader, the “Rev.” William Barber.
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