CHARLOTTE – What was expected is now official: Mecklenburg County Commissioner Trevor Fuller, a Democrat, has announced his candidacy for U.S. Senate in the 2020 race. He’ll hope to challenge incumbent Republican (?) Sen. Thom Tillis in the general election, should he make it through the primary.
D Trevor Fuller, former chair of #meckbocc announces for US Sen #2020. #ncpol @SenThomTillis
— Jim Morrill (@jimmorrill) January 22, 2019
Fuller is in his fourth term on the Mecklenburg County board of commissioners, and during his time there has built a record of pushing progressive policies. Those kind of policies may play well in a market like Charlotte, where the city council thought it wise to force private businesses to accommodate men in women’s bathrooms, but they won’t likely be viewed as a positive across much of the Old North State.
Still, Tillis is woefully unpopular among the conservative base, and Democrats have proven to be able to secure statewide elections even as North Carolina has favored Republican presidential candidates recently.
WBTV reports that Fuller believes there is a crisis happening when it comes to North Carolina’s representation in the Senate. We won’t disagree, though, more accurately, that crisis stems from having senators more comfortable crossing the aisle than fighting on behalf of conservative policies.
More from WBTV:
“”I am running because I am not afraid to lead with vision,” County Commissioner Trevor Fuller said. “With courage, with determination and I think now is the time for a change.”
Fuller is currently serving his fourth term as county commissioner. He claims since the partial government shut-down is still happening – that shows something is wrong.
“This is a failure of leadership,” Fuller said. “Somebody needs to say something and do something about this.”
In a recent interview Senator Thom Tillis told WBTV he wants the government to get back to work, but won’t sign a deal unless President Donald Trump gets his wish for stronger border patrol and that includes a wall.”
(It is interesting as well that Tillis is presented as a border hawk when contrasted to a Democratic challenger. Conservatives know that Tillis has been all too willing to push the same kind of allowances for illegal immigrants that the Left wishes for.)
We’re not sure what secret power Fuller has to solve the current government shutdown impasse, but we are sure that it doesn’t include the ability to secure the border and reopen the government. People have indeed been ‘saying something and doing something’ for weeks now, yet here we are.
“”A wall is a middle ages solution to a 21st century problem,” Fuller said. “The problem is we need a comprehensive immigration system. Our immigration system is broken – if we think that a wall is going to keep people from coming into this country or if we think that is a solution to an immigration problem that has been in existence for really decades – then we are fooling ourselves.”
Fuller has a solution to end the shutdown.
“Agree on what we agree on,” Fuller said. “And fight about the wall in some other venue. People shouldn’t have to suffer cause of this political argument.””
So Fuller’s ‘solution’ is the same as Nancy Pelosi’s – give us what we want, and we’ll pinky promise we’ll come to the table afterward. Something tells us that stance is not much of a solution.
Never mind the government shutdown, which will (hopefully) be behind us by the time these campaigns really heat up. The immigration policy issue won’t be, though, and here Fuller parrots some of the same nonsense the Democrats pretend is reasonable.
Yes, a wall DOES do a lot to stop people from coming into the country illegally. It’s a little harder to cross a border with a wall, than one that is wide open in many places. Contrary to the Left’s talking points, Republicans do not think a wall alone will solve the problem of a broken immigration system. Instead, they recognize that no such comprehensive immigration fix will matter if the border isn’t properly enforced.
Fuller probably won’t be alone on the for long as the year progresses. Democrats with D.C. ambitions are likely to see Tillis’ approval numbers and see an opportunity. With any luck a good, solid conservative with campaign prowess will see the same, and give Tillis the challenge he deserves – a primary challenge.
Read more from WBTV’s interview with Trevor Fuller here.
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