RALEIGH – The documented, self-described behavior of First Lady (and we use that term loosely) Kristin Cooper toward a crowd and children waving political flags was too much for even the Democrats’ friends in the media to ignore.
Just days ago, Kristin Cooper bragged on social media about giving the finger to a child waving a Trump flag at a permitted event on the grounds of the Old State Capitol in Raleigh, and calling the rest of the peaceful Christian conservative group ‘a bunch of clowns.’
Well, now she wants people to know she is ‘so, so sorry,’ and is asking for forgiveness.
Being that she admitted to it (boasted about it!) on social media, Raleigh-area news outlet WRAL, usually one to paint any elected Democrats in as positive a light as possible, couldn’t ignore the reports.
They spoke with Michelle Morrow, an organizer of the event on at the Old State Capitol that day, about the distasteful actions of the First Lady of North Carolina. It may have been her eight year old son that Cooper flipped off.
From WRAL:

“[…] “There were a lot of people that said ‘F Trump’ and ‘F the police.’ There were a lot of people screaming to go home,” described Morrow. “We just assumed it was people who are angry or they’re fearful and they’re just immature and that’s how they’re going to express themselves, so we just moved along and didn’t engage them.”
Around 60 people showed up to the rally, including several families. The goal of the rally was to get Christians to vote.
Morrow brought her eight-year-old son Matthew to the rally.
“He was the young boy who was holding the ‘Back the Blue’ flag on Sunday,” she explained. “There was a ‘Back the Blue’ flag, a Trump flag and then other people had American flags.”
Morrow added that she found Kristin Cooper’s alleged behavior “startling for the First Lady of North Carolina because as every North Carolina citizen, we should be concerned about our religious liberties and about the right to peacefully assembly and about our First Amendment right to speak.”
Morrow said she was appalled.
“I think what was very upsetting is that when I look at her personal profile, she promotes herself as someone who is an advocate for children, and yet on her Facebook account she said she did this to children holding flags and she acknowledged that it was a bunch of families,” she added.
Morrow wrote to Kristin Cooper and said she would love to have a face to face meeting with her, but she has not heard back. […]”
In the current day, where Democrats feign affinity for decency in their opposition to a boisterous Donald Trump, Cooper’s behavior is particularly appalling. It isn’t necessarily surprising for a committed Democrat to cross the line amid their TDS stupor, but for the First Lady of NC to behave this way, and then demonstrate her utter lack of awareness in advertising the behavior on Facebook, is absolutely remarkable.
She said in the original post, “I can live with it.” Now, with the pressure of the public spotlight on her, she admits the actions, and her comments about them, were ‘inappropriate.’
“My personal Facebook comments and actions leading to it were inappropriate, and I am so sorry. I apologize to anyone I may have hurt, and I ask for forgiveness,” wrote Kristin Cooper.
It’s the kind of boiler plate response you’d expect from a public figure after they were caught being an embarrassingly nasty person — not just a nasty person to political opponents, but to children — with an emphasis on the ‘caught’ term.
Cooper is sorry she was caught. With her cavalier boasting about flipping off Trump supporters and children, clarifying that she can “live with it,” so you really think she’s sorry for the act? She’s likely kicking herself most, and getting an earful from Roy, about posting what amounts to a guilty plea to a public social media platform.
Two days before an election, no less.
So what do you think? Is First ‘Lady’ Cooper really sorry? Will you forgive her? Will you forget?
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