RALEIGH – North Carolinians For Immigration Reform and Enforcement (NCFIRE) compiles monthly reports detailing the arrests and charges racked up by illegal aliens in the Old North State. The list is not exhaustive of crimes committed, rather it focuses on crimes of a sexual nature against children.
February’s report features 12 illegal aliens arrested and charged with a total of 88 child rape or child sexual assault crimes.
These crimes are certainly not limited to illegal aliens, however they are crimes that could have been prevented had immigration laws been properly enforced. Further, proper border security would prevent a good number of these particular abhorrent individuals from roaming free within our state in the first place.
Every month reveals the dangers innocent people, innocent children face because we refuse to take common sense approaches to vetting, regulating, and most importantly enforcing entry to the United States.
We are a statewide grassroots organization that is dedicated to immigration enforcement. Our organization represents the citizens’ interest in stopping the flood of illegal aliens into North Carolina. We simply can’t afford illegal aliens’ tremendous costs any longer. The damage incurred, the crimes, costs and physical and emotional damage these people are causing, are just too great.
We also seek to educate our citizens to the many costly and destructive aspects of illegal immigrant crime. The crimes we document in our monthly crime reports include some of the most heinous crimes imaginable.
(The sad thing about it is, every one of them is 100% preventable if our N.C. Legislators would simply enact and enforce, state level illegal immigration laws.)
What NCFIRE Believes
We support limiting our jobs and resources to the citizens of North Carolina and we believe that it is time for our Legislators to adhere to their oath of office, “to support the Constitution of the United States; and to be faithful and bear true allegiance to the State of North Carolina” by passing the appropriate legislation to curtail the influx of illegal aliens into our state.
NCFIRE outlines a long list of actions the N.C. General Assembly can take to curb the societal costs of illegal immigration, and many could be accomplished legislatively whenever the legislature is in session.
1) Mandate English as the official language of N.C.
2) Require a valid photo I.D. to vote.
3) Require all companies (public and private) doing business in N.C. to become E-Verify compliant.
4) Mandate stricter punishments and stiffer penalties for hiring illegal aliens in N.C.
5) Enact a N.C. version of Arizona’s SB1070 law to document proof of legal entry and the right to be within N.C. borders.
6) Deny enrollment of illegal aliens to N.C. colleges and universities.
7) Eliminate taxpayer funding to N.C. colleges and universities that allow illegal aliens to enroll.
8) Restrict foreign consulate services to consulate property only.
9) Deny taxpayer funding to any N.C. municipality, town, city or county that supports sanctuary policies for illegal aliens.
10) Require proof of citizenship and residency for all N.C. social welfare eligibility.
11) Cut taxpayer funding to all non-profit organizations in N.C. that provide assistance and/or benefits to illegal aliens.
12) End taxpayer funding of all N.C. ethnic councils.
13) Tighten N.C. vehicle laws by impounding cars driven by unlicensed and uninsured drivers.
14) Restrict the registration of motor vehicles in N.C. to legal N.C. residents only.
With Republican super-majorities, there is no reason that many, if not all, of these items can be enacted as law. Unless of course, politicians on Jones Street are more inclined to avoid rocking the boat than taking simple, lawful steps that would go a long way toward preventing evil acts by people that should never have been here.
Learn more about NCFIRE and sign up for their action alerts here.
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