Yesterday, we reported on the AR-15 giveaway being conducted on Facebook by NC Gun Rights, a grassroots political action committee dedicated to defending and advancing the right of North Carolina citizens to own and use firearms.
As the fastest growing gun rights advocacy group in the state, their contest spread across Facebook like wildfire.
According to NC Gun Rights, close to 15,000 people entered the contest in less than 48 hours, easily surpassing any expectations the group had on the popularity of the contest.
But, as is becoming a growing trend, the liberals at Facebook were none to pleased by the attention a Conservative organization was receiving on their platform.
Earlier this morning, NC Gun Rights received word that Facebook had banned their contest because the company felt “it doesn’t follow the Facebook Community Standards.”
Below is a screenshot of the notification the group received from Facebook:
NC Gun Rights has contacted Facebook for an explanation as to why the contest was shut down, but are still awaiting a response from Facebook.
Undeterred, the group has relaunched their AR-15 giveaway with a new twist in order to avoid any further complications.
If you are interested in entering for your chance to win the Bear Creek Arsenal AR-15 rifle, all you have to do is sign NC Gun Rights’ Constitutional Carry petition by CLICKING HERE.
We’re willing to bit the contest will be even more popular now that the liberals at Facebook have attempted to silence the group.
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