While liberals and far-left environmentalists have lauded a new report from the federal government as some sort of prophetic warning of the coming annihilation of the United States at the hands of so-called “climate change,” any experts are criticizing the report.
According to the experts, the report is nothing but an “exaggeration,” bad science, “a scientific embarrassment,” and downright “false.”
“This latest climate report is just more of the same – except for even greater exaggeration, worse science, and added interference in the political process by unelected, self-serving bureaucrats,” Tim Huelskamp, President of the Heartland Institute, said of the latest report.
“…The Heartland Institute has published 4,000 pages of the Climate Change Reconsidered series by the Nongovernmental International Panel on Climate Change (NIPCC),” Huelskamp continued. “Those reports cite many hundreds of peer-reviewed scientific papers that show how every conclusion of this latest government report [is] false.”
“This report from the climate alarmist Deep State in our government is even more hysterical than some United Nations reports,” Huelskamp declared. “The idea that global temperatures could rise as much as 12 degrees in the next 80 years is absurd and not a shred of actual data and observation supports that.”
The federal government’s report predicted dire consequences were on the horizon should “climate change” not be addressed, including predictions of mass casualties due to increased temperatures.
“Higher temperatures will also kill more people, the report says,” CNN reported. “The Midwest alone, which is predicted to have the largest increase in extreme temperature, will see an additional 2,000 premature deaths per year by 2090.”
Despite those predictions, experts continue to criticize the report as a “scientific embarrassment.”
“This report is a scientific embarrassment,” Jay Lehr, science director at the Heartland Institute, noted. “Not only does it rely on computer models to predict the climate through the end of the century, it relies on computer models from five years ago that have been laughably wrong, failing to get even close to reality since 2013.”
Critics of the report also included some advice for President Donald Trump in their rebuke of the government’s assessment.
“President Trump was required by law to release this report, but he is not required to take it seriously – and he surely will not,” Huelskamp said. “To do so would undermine his sensible, deregulatory agenda and restart the war on fossil fuels.”
“This is the Deep State run amok,” James Taylor, a senior fellow on environment and energy policy at the Heartland Institute, said. “The Trump administration needs to root out the embedded leftists who are responsible for this one-sided propaganda report that is even less credible than Al Gore.”
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