(Tonya Baker Nelson is the Founder & CEO at A Hand of Hope Pregnancy Resource Center in Raleigh, NC)
My youngest son was almost aborted. Three separate times.
Countless stories like my son’s are told all across our country. These children, somehow, are spared from the death sentence of abortion and are saved through often miraculous intervention. For my son’s birth mother, the temptation for her next cocaine hit during pregnancy became too strong to resist, and she opted to spend the money intended for her abortion on the drug — and in the process life won.
As a mother watching in horror at the hundreds of thousands of abortions happening every year across the country, as well as the normalization of fetal tissue harvesting for scientific research, it is important to me that we have leaders who are not desensitized to these issues. Before President Trump came into office, about one in four women were on pace to have an abortion by age 45, and young women between the ages of 20 and 24 accounted for more than a third of abortions.
Now, a little over three years after President Trump was sworn into office, abortions in the United States have dropped to their lowest level since they became legal in 1973. The national abortion rate is now less than half of what it was in the year 1990, and it continues to decline thanks to the measures our government is implementing to incentivize pro-life choices.
There is no question that Donald Trump is the most pro-freedom and pro-life president in our country’s history. In 2018, the Trump administration ended taxpayer funding for a contract between the National Institutes of Health and the University of California, San Francisco that involved new medical research using baby body parts acquired from elective abortions. In 2020, President Trump became the first sitting president to ever attend the March for Life rally in Washington, D.C., which has been taking place every year since 1974.
Forcing American taxpayers to fund abortions is a priority for Democrat leaders such as House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, who tried to sneak a pro-abortion provision into the coronavirus stimulus package they were negotiating with the White House. The provision would have allocated $1 billion in taxpayer funding for abortions — ignoring Hyde Amendment restrictions — under the guise of helping Americans during a crisis.
While Democrat presidential nominee Joe Biden was vice president, the Obama-Biden administration blocked federal funding that was available to secular agencies from reaching religious foster care and adoption agencies that work exclusively with traditional families. Democrats’ militant insistence on forcing taxpayers to finance their social agenda is why it is imperative that we have a leader who is willing to actively fight against it.
Fortunately, life is winning under the Trump administration, and the tide is turning in favor of protecting our most valuable resource: our offspring. When we share stories like my son’s, and when we hear the reality of the abortion industry from pro-life women like Abby Johnson, we see the abortion industry for what it actually is: the wholesale slaughter of defenseless, developing human beings.
There is an undeniable awareness and depth in those deep brown eyes that I look into every morning. That look encompasses all of us who value and fight for the right to life. This is one of many reasons why President Donald J. Trump deserves four more years in the White House.
When President Trump is reelected, he will appoint even more lower court conservative judges to add to the hundreds he has already gotten confirmed in his first term. In the event that a Supreme Court seat opens, conservatives can be confident that he will appoint someone who understands the value of every human life. History predicts that a Biden/Harris administration would revoke as many protections for preborn babies as possible.
At the Republican National Convention, President Trump promised to totally defund Planned Parenthood in his second term. I believe he will do just that. After all, President Trump’s reputation of “Promises Made, Promises Kept” is absolutely unparalleled in American politics.
(Tonya Baker Nelson is the Founder & CEO at A Hand of Hope Pregnancy Resource Center in Raleigh, NC)
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