Pat McCrory is the Former Governor of North Carolina. He also served as the 53rd Mayor of Charlotte.
North Carolina voters who refuse to back Joe Biden in this crucial election are not afraid of the former vice president — we are terrified of the radical Democrat Party.
On his own, Biden is a relatively harmless politician, devoid of big ideas and reluctant to make waves. The threat Biden poses has more to do with his tendency to mimic the company he keeps.
In the 1980s and ‘90s, this tendency manifested itself in Biden’s support for globalism and “free” trade with China, as well as “tough-on-crime” policies that resulted in massive inequities in our criminal justice system. In the 2000s, Biden went gamely along with the interventionist establishment consensus that sent American soldiers off to die in endless wars that lacked clearly defined objectives. As Barack Obama’s vice president, he suddenly became an outspoken supporter of government-run healthcare.
The real threat of a possible Biden presidency, therefore, would not be the man in the Oval Office, but the radical political forces that would control his administration from behind the scenes. The most ideologically-extreme Democrats in the country are determined to use Joe Biden as a Trojan Horse for their own radical agenda — and Biden seems perfectly happy to let them.
Shortly after securing the nomination, Biden elevated Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, sponsor of the $93 trillion “Green New Deal,” to the position of co-chair of his campaign’s climate policy task force. Robert Francis “Beto” O’Rourke — who has vowed not only to ban popular firearms such as the AR-15, but to send law enforcement agents out to confiscate such weapons from law-abiding Americans — is the guiding force behind Biden’s gun control agenda.
Biden even collaborated with democratic-socialist Senator Bernie Sanders to craft a “unity” manifesto — much of which was a verbatim copy of Sanders’s own platform — designed to reassure far-left voters that Biden would support their policy priorities.
Joe Biden is an empty vessel, and that’s what is truly frightening about the prospect of seeing him in the White House.
Pat McCrory is the Former Governor of North Carolina. He also served as the 53rd Mayor of Charlotte.
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