Rhetorical hyperbole was in extreme abundance when it came to Democrat claims that the GOP tax cuts were going to kill families, screw the Middle Class, and even bring about the apocalypse.
We at First in Freedom Daily predicted that the American public, inundated with tax plan smear campaigns to the point of putting the plan’s approval numbers in the basement, would be pleasantly surprised at the reality. That, in turn, should bode well for Republicans in 2018 against a Mid-Term tide that historically favors the minority party against a sitting president.
However, we didn’t quite expect such a quick 180 from the likes of Bernie Sanders and company.
.@jaketapper: “Next year, 91% of middle income Americans will receive a tax cut. Isn’t that a good thing?”@BernieSanders: “Yeah, it is a very good thing. And that’s why we should’ve made the tax cuts for the middle class permanent” #CNNSOTU https://t.co/ei8xTHGo1E
— CNN Politics (@CNNPolitics) December 24, 2017
Wait, what? No Armageddon? No doubling-down on class warfare?
Well, Bernie is never going to abandon class warfare. That is the modus operandi for Leftists around the world by their very collectivist nature.
Congress should make the cuts permanent, or even cut further, while combining such measures with real, honest to goodness spending cuts to reign in an out of control government redistribution machine.
But it says a lot about just how dishonest Democrats like Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer are when playing partisan politics at the expense of hardworking Americans.
CBS tried to poke holes in the tax plan by profiling three families, one from North Carolina, only to find out that the GOP tax cut plan….CUTS TAXES. Who’da thunk it?!
Breaking news: @CBSThisMorning asked three families for their tax returns and found that all three would receive tax cuts next year because of the #TaxCutsAndJobsAct. pic.twitter.com/xnGvTgV3bJ
— Senate Republicans (@SenateGOP) December 22, 2017
Imagine the egg on the face of Democrats when families all around the country are surprised with their lower tax bills?
This is a big win for the American people, and should help Republicans on Capitol Hill as long as they don’t revert back to the depths of the Swamp. They need to build on this, listening to grassroots conservatives, and active shrink, not just our tax bills, but the spending bills and bloated programs of the federal government.
Anything less and they’ll find themselves with stiff primary challengers offering to advance the agendas they have proven time and again to be to0 weak and unprincipled to carry out themselves.
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