WASHINGTON, D.C. – A GOP Super PAC aligned with Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is deploying tens of millions of dollars worth of TV ads to help Republicans retain senate seats in the fall, and nearly $22 million of it is earmarked for Sen. Thom Tillis (R-NC).
Of the more than $67 million the Senate Leadership Fund is deploying in booked TV ads across six states, almost a third of that is dedicated to protecting the at risk Tillis seat.
“[…] Protecting our Republican Senate majority has become synonymous with ensuring a firewall against the Democrats’ far-left ambitions,” Steven Law, the president of SLF, said in a statement. “This initial investment won’t be our last, but it is more than double what we initially reserved in 2018, and it demonstrates we intend to hold the line.”
The largest portion of the investment is in North Carolina, where SLF has booked $21.8 million in the race between first-term GOP Sen. Thom Tillis and Democrat Cal Cunningham. The state is likely to be among the most expensive in the country this fall, given its status as a presidential battleground that also includes competitive Senate, gubernatorial and House races. Democrats expended significant resources to boost Cunningham through the March primary, and SLF also spent nearly $3 million meddling in the primary on positive ads for his failed Democratic opponent. […]”
As hard as it is to imagine a return the normalcy after the explosion of the Wuhan Coronavirus reactions onto the world scene, even the relative normalcy of the 2020 general election campaign, at some point the pandemic fog will lift and we’ll all be complaining about the political ads again.
Read more about the Super PAC effort to protect and expand the Republican Senate Majority here.
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