WASHINGTON, D.C. – As saturated as the coverage of mysteriously influential millionaire Jeffrey Epstein’s arrest and subsequent death was, it’s remarkable how completely this ongoing mystery has disappeared from the headlines. The allegations and witnesses against the investor, combined with all the powerful friends he kept company with, make his sudden and inexplicable suicide in prison suspicious to say the least.
Project Veritas, though, is out this week with footage of news anchors caught on a hot mic making revelations that could shed light into why the media has been so quick to drop this story. In the following tape ABC News Anchor Amy Robach reveals that she doesn’t think Epstein killed himself. Why? She explains (to someone off camera) that she had the story of Epstein’s child predation — with accounts and evidence implicating Bill Clinton, Prince Andrew, and others — and tried to get it on air for three years to no avail.
Sign the petition: https://t.co/e2cSiad75G#EpsteinCoverup pic.twitter.com/fPvJc3s1Li
— James O’Keefe (@JamesOKeefeIII) November 5, 2019
BREAKING: “Do I think he(Epstein) was killed? 100% I do…He made his whole living blackmailing people. There were a lot of men on those planes. A lot of men who visited that island. A lot of powerful men who came into that apartment.” – @abcnews anchor @arobach #EpsteinCoverup pic.twitter.com/EmFdTGGcPs
— James O’Keefe (@JamesOKeefeIII) November 5, 2019
Aside from the speculation about Epstein’s death, who were the people squashing the scoop on Epstein and why? How many girls were made victims over those three years?
Even once the story broke, and Democrats failed to tie Epstein around Donald Trump’s neck, most mainstream media essentially moved on with literal interest in following the trail of connections to some of the world’s most powerful people. Those people were too important, perhaps.
An unfeasible suicide in prison, explained by sheer incompetence and sporting evidence of foul play didn’t even hold the media’s attention long enough to get answers. Considering the people and circumstances involved, the American people and especially Epstein’s victims deserve the truth to be known.
If you want those answers, too, sign the petition here.
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