RALEIGH – Environmentalism is a religion. It has to be, because so much of the associated activism is based on faith absent of supporting evidence. It also fits nicely with the cradle-to-grave control of your life that the Left seeks to force down free peoples’ throats.
So it is no surprise that a group of environmentalist wackos from around the country plan to descend upon North Carolina to protest and disrupt the building of the Atlantic Coast Pipeline, as reported in the Raleigh News & Observer.
“State law enforcement officials told legislators Thursday that they’re expecting “outside agitators” to come to North Carolina in the coming months to protest the Atlantic Coast Pipeline.
The comments came during a presentation about the N.C. Information Sharing and Analysis Center, which is part of the State Bureau of Investigation. The center coordinates communication between federal, state and local agencies to evaluate public safety threats and solve crimes.
Dirk German, an SBI special agent-in-charge who oversees the center, compared potential protests of the proposed natural gas pipeline along Interstate 95 to protests of a similar pipeline in North Dakota.”
The threat apparently rises to such a level that the SBI is concerned about threats to public safety. Threats to public safety in the name of environmentalism. It makes sense.
After all, the animating spirits in these wackos commonly leads them to place human prosperity and quality of life at a lower priority than the imagined and mostly debunked threats to the environment that fossil fuels pose.
The pipeline will create a good number of admittedly transitory jobs. Subsequently, the pipeline will expand the distribution capacity of oil markets in the Southeast and thereby translate to better prices at the pump, and the retailers, and anything else that depends on fossil fuels to drive our economy. So…everything.
Those facts are not lost on most North Carolinians, especially those outside of the blue bubbles of Chapel Hill, Charlotte, and Asheville. That’s why most of the ‘agitators’ won’t be from the Old North State at all.
“”A lot of the protesters that are going to be coming in for that are going to be professional protesters that are not from North Carolina,” he told a legislative oversight committee.”
The funny thing is that the astro-turf protesting the expansion of fossil fuels will likely travel to our beautiful state in oil fueled cars and buses to decry not just a pipeline, but the system that allows such free and prosperous use of resources in the first place – Capitalism.
Agitators communicating on iPhones and Facebook to freely organize themselves and, at the very least, express opinions about how evil the fruits of Capitalism like fossil fuels and big corporations are. You can’t make this stuff up.
It is not a coincidence that the environmentalist movement was founded by communists hell bent on forcing the world into a collective state of misery. Freedom, production, and profit are the enemies to anyone interested in smothering the Individual. Much the same for those wishing to snuff out that which literally and figuratively fuels our ever increasing quality of life.
It remains to be seen just how big of a distraction the anticipated protests will cause, but anyone interested in freedom should let them know that this is the Tar Heel State for a reason and we’re keen to exploit our resources to our people’s greatest advantage just like the enterprising sticky-footed colonists that came before us.
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