ELON – It doesn’t take very much observation to gather that the most zealous white Woke anti-racists are often projecting their own ‘white liberal’ racism at every turn. Moreover, the Woke ideology made up of the Critical Theories are fundamentally racist by design.
So it was only a matter of time before the fealty acts of the Woke became so unavoidably ‘problematic,’ even for a Lefty university setting, that it is canceled.
That is what happened recently on the campus of Elon University. The university’s School of Education was hosting a “White Caucus” in which only “white-identifying students” are invited to “process their awareness of and complicity in unjust systems” of racism.
The weekly meetings sparked calls to the Campus Bias Hotline provided by the conservative Young America’s Foundation, sparking national media coverage and the ‘White Caucus’ cancellation amid the ensuing uproar. Turns out, the meetings were so Woke they may violate the 1964 Civil Rights Act.
The ‘whoops’ statement from the University Communications Director:
“Elon’s policies prohibit discrimination on the basis of age, race, color, creed, sex, national or ethnic origin, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, or veteran’s status. Because this student-led program would have excluded non-white individuals, it would be at odds with university policies and will not be held. Elon is reviewing the planning for this event to ensure that future programs are planned in compliance with university policies, are inclusive and align with the university’s mission.”
Now, it is ironic and humorous to an extent — the anti-racists being canceled when they realize their program is blatantly racist — but consider that ‘No Whites Allowed’ meetings would have been treated with Woke gloves even as they violate the same precepts.
Nuances of the Woke Hierarchy aside, this is an actual instance of institutionally-assisted racism as school faculty were facilitating the meet ups. The university was forced acknowledge it, but it’s important to not that the discrimination inherent to the Woke Dogma is not a bug of the underlying philosophies, it’s a feature. It just happened to become a little too obvious with the ‘White Caucus.’
The substance, however, is just as nauseating as you’d expect. From YAF:
“[An] email, signed by several undergraduate students in the School of Education, informed students that it is “urgent” they are involved in the caucus, noting “We know that racism and systemic oppression are woven deeply into the roots of our society and our education system… White caucusing is one part of a lifelong and multifaceted commitment to antiracism for white-identifying people who are passionate about racial justice.”
Students who are interested in joining the caucus must fill out a Google form, which requires signing a confidentiality agreement saying that nothing can be shared “outside of the group for any reason,” including recording or taking photos, social media posts or “talking negatively about others outside of the caucus.” The motto for the group, according to a screenshot obtained by YAF, is “What is said stays, and what is learned leaves.” […]
Sadly, this is not the only recent instance of racial segregation being used by so-called ‘progressives’ in higher education. YAF has exposed similar segregated caucuses and trainings at schools across the country, including University at Buffalo, UC Davis, University of Kentucky, and University of Florida.
Racially segregating conversations meant to improve race relations and build community will only create more division. Elon is essentially putting a gag order on students who partake in white caucusing by forcing them to sign a confidentiality agreement. What exactly are they hiding, and what are these students afraid of the wider public knowing about? […]”
While this was cancelled, it is merely a drop in the bucket of this coordinated push for cultural revolution on college campuses, long the front lines for inculcating the impressionable with Woke Dogma.
No doubt there are more and worse pervading the student organizations and faculty lounges of colleges across our state and country. The only remedy requires rejecting rhe Woke’s premise outright and calling it out for what it is.
Read more from YAF.
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