NC-09 – Democratic candidate Dan McCready for the Ninth Congressional District is on a roll…a hard roll to the Left. The solar investor earned some progressive capital when notorious U.S. Rep. Ilhan Omar donated to his campaign, and now outspoken socialist Democratic candidate for president Elizabeth Warren is backing him for another round of fundraising.
In asking voters to be a part of McCready’s progressive vision, Warren says in an email:
“Washington works great for the rich and powerful, while everyone else gets left behind.
It doesn’t have to be this way. We can end Washington corruption and put power in the hands of the people.
Dan McCready understands this. That’s why he’s building a campaign powered by grassroots donors and is refusing to take a dime from corporate PACs. He won’t be bought by the special interests that try to rig the system.
If he wins this special election, he’ll fight as hard as he can to level the playing field for working people. He can win — as long as we get into this fight alongside him. That’s why I’m asking [for money]”
Mind you, McCready is an affluent venture crony capitalist, and Warren a millionaire college professor serving in the U.S. Senate, so the are they who ‘Washington works for’?
The rest of the copy from the fundraising email is pretty typical, and the details not what’s most important (Warren didn’t write it anyway), but the general message is delivered. That message is that Dan McCready is one of them as far as Warren is concerned – he’s a loyal foot soldier of the New Left that is currently dominating the Democratic Party and peddling extreme policies for extreme ends.
He’s already acing his orientation, proving himself totally woke by whining that calling Democrats ‘clowns’ is a white supremacist slur.
Opposite McCready, of course, is Republican state senator Dan Bishop, the guy who put out an ad where McCready, Pelosi, AOC, and company are appropriately dressed as clowns. ‘Opposite’ is an appropriate term because Bishop has proven to be kryptonite to the Far Left and their agenda while serving his district in Mecklenburg County.
With friends like Elizabeth Warren, McCready is making the choice all the more clear for the historically Republican supporting Ninth Congressional District.
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