RALEIGH – The first of 17 days of early voting in North Carolina commenced on Thursday. Early reports were of long lines in several counties.
It seems to happen every election year as polls first open up, but the effect is probably accentuated by the fact that people are having to space out by at least six feet. That would make a typical line of voters appear about six time longer, right?
In any case, with well over a million absentee ballots requested amid the Pandemic Panic, and over a half million already returned and accepted, many wondered just how robust the in-person turnout would be across the state.
Socially distanced, or not, these lines don’t scream ‘we’re scared to go vote,’ do they?
Early voting – Fayetteville, NC. One of 12 polling sites. The line is 3 times longer behind me. pic.twitter.com/9b5hIu7yER
— Salvatore A. Bono (@SalvatoreABono2) October 15, 2020
Was at early voting in Pasquotank this morning. First voter arrived at 5 a.m., three hours before polls opened. Over 200 in line when polls opened at 8 a.m. Currituck had over 70 in line at 8 a.m. and 203 had voted by 10 a.m. #ncpol
— @Paul_Nielsen (@wsportspaul) October 15, 2020
Lines in Alamance County for early voting stretch all the way down the block. #ncpol #ncvotes #ncvotesearly pic.twitter.com/uCGXaJbum0
— Jame, singular (@FunnyLikeAClown) October 15, 2020
Early voting Day 1 in Durham! Longest lines I have ever seen here, all the way from South Library to the bridge. Voters I am talking to have waited about 2 hours and are excited to have their voice heard. #ncpol #TheNerdWeNeed pic.twitter.com/rK9zkddvQD
— Ronnie Chatterji (@RonnieChatterji) October 15, 2020
Here in NC this is the longest line early voting or not iv ever seen at my board of elections office happy to see the turn out!#election #ElectionDay #Decision2020 #elections #VOTE #VoteEarly #VoteThemAllOut #Vote2020 #VoteHimOut2020 #Biden #BidenHarrisToSaveAmerica #ncpol ???????? pic.twitter.com/aASrBsRRya
— Spike Official ♐????⚓ (@SpikeTheStrong) October 15, 2020
It’s curious why so many on the Left simultaneously tout long lines as evidence that their voters are turning out, AND that long lines are some form of voter suppression.
It’s also amusing that so many report, ‘the longest lines they’ve ever seen,’ with out a hint of awareness that a socially distanced line will necessarily be that much longer.
Of note, lines are always longest on the first day, and last day of early voting for perfectly obvious reasons. In North Carolina we have 17 DAYS on which to cast a ballot early, and the there is the actual election day. Don’t want long lines? Find a day somewhere in those two full weeks between the first and last days of early voting to hit your polling place, and you’ll likely be in and out in 10 minutes.
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