DURHAM – Durham is not exactly a bastion of conservative thought, to put it mildly. So when the Leftists of the Durham City Council found out that Jordan Peterson, the blunt spoken psychiatrist that eats the Left for breakfast, was holding an event at the Durham Performing Arts Center, they tried to scare him away in true snowflake form.
Jillian Johnson is a Radical Leftist that has quite a history as a Social Justice Warrior. So, when confronted with this message, Peterson did what he does best.
“The City of Durham’s statement is one of the purest demonstrations I have yet seen of the tendency for the ideologically possessed to use denouncement tactically as a means to amplify and exaggerate personal or identity-group virtue. To lay this bare, I have composed this analysis of the psychological motivations and narrative structure of the statement.
It opens with what appears to be a purely objective account of my upcoming 12 Rules for Life tour lecture/discussion in Durham, but is in fact an outright lie, as well as an act of betrayal (quite the accomplishment for a single sentence): “We recently learned from coverage in the Indyweek [a local newspaper self-described as ‘progressive’ and one founded, by the way, by the mayor Steve Schewel, a signatory to the statement] that the Durham Performing Arts Center (DPAC) has invited Jordan Peterson to speak in the venue this September.”
The lie? The Durham Performing Arts Center did not invite me. I rented the theater. There is a world of difference. But, of course, without the allegation of ‘invitation’ there is no one to cast into disrepute. And that leads us to the betrayal, which is the purposeful and motivated casting of aspersions on the character of the people who run the DPAC, who are in any case directly or indirectly under the supervision or jurisdiction of the mayor and councilors. So the perpetrators have been identified.[…]”
Read Peterson’s full thrashing of the Durham City Council here, and get your tickets to the September 10th event here.
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