RALEIGH – In the midst of a presidential election in which North Carolina was a focus as an important swing state, Trump campaign director for North Carolina Earl Phillip abruptly left his post after being accused of brandishing a weapon in a threatening manner toward an associate, Vincent Bordini. The scandal made national news as Trump and his campaign were center stage in 2016.
The case against Phillip was dropped, raising the prospect that Phillip had possibly been vindicated. First in Freedom Daily ran that story, presenting Phillip’s take on the case, why it was dropped, and what possibly motivated Bordini to accuse him of the act in question.
Subsequently, First in Freedom Daily heard from Bordini, that gave an counternarrative to the Phillip vindication story.
The back and forth continues to unfold between the two former Republican political staffers. Phillip, after seeing the counternarrative story, raised several questions about its merit, protesting allegations that he had stolen valor by posing as an Army Ranger.
So we posed questions to Bordini to further explain why he waited so long to file his case, what his response is to Phillip’s suggested motivations, and what basis he had for questioning Phillip’s military credentials.
Bordini on question of military credentials:
“FOIA Requests are not illegal. A lot of reporters would be in jail if they were. No documents from the case were used. Period. By releasing a cherry-picked document, Phillip violated our confidentiality agreement and tried to get ahead of an investigation he knew was coming into his near decade fraud of pretending to be an Army Ranger. They violated a confidentiality agreement before and Ken Vogel (when he was with Politico) made note of it. It’s a pattern unfortunately.”
On Phillip’s apparent vindication:
“There is no legal document that “vindicates” him. He gave up his chance to clear his name. People should be brave enough to ask why he didn’t want his name cleared. They claim he is vindicated because he says so. Good luck with that.”
On why it took so long (months) to file suit, and why it went to civil court instead of criminal:
“The case was filed after months of back and forth between myself, campaign staff, and legal staff. We have all the communications from that time period. No one “waited.” Once the case was filed, no one was surprised in that circle.
Because the campaign was going to “handle” it. Then they did not. The case was never against Earl Philip alone, I address this in my earlier released statement. The bottom line is there will never be a “clearing” of his name. He signed away the trial and then promptly violated the agreement that gave him a chance to go quietly. The man needs help, not a lawyer. I will admit, I have committed one crime. I committed the crime of trying to ignore Earl Phillip.”
Apparently, legal recourse is still being pursued by Bordini. While we have direct responses from Phillip to Bordini’s counternarrative, we do not yet have permission to publish his words.
The saga continues…
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