WASHINGTON, D.C. – Two congressmen from North Carolina, both Far Left Democrats, are nonsensically demanding an investigation into the federal subpoenas issued to 44 North Carolina county boards of elections. Reps. David Price (D-Chapel Hill) and G.K. Butterfield (D-Outer Space) are demanding that federal authorities rescind their subpoenas and that the Inspectors General investigate the investigation.
“This alarming and unprecedented request from President Trump’s Department of Justice (DOJ) and Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) 60 days prior to an election is appalling. In these subpoenas, ICE has failed to demonstrate its legal authority to request voting records and to reveal the rationale for the production of this information. This massive request of voter data seems clearly designed to disenfranchise and intimidate voters and to disrupt the administration of an impending election with major state and national implications.”
These subpoenas are the result of a federal grand jury process. Grand jury proceedings are secret, and revealing information about them is against the law. You know, that whole ‘Justice is Blind’ thing? These two politicians, a former judge and a college professor, surely know that what they are asking for is against the law?
Ah, but politicking in an election year is too important. Or maybe, these Democrats are a little worried about what the subpoenas will reveal.
“At a time when the integrity and security of our elections is at risk of attacks from hostile foreign actors, our local election administrators should not be wasting their scarce resources compiling over 20 million voter records in search of fraud that does not exist.”
For starters, protecting election integrity and security from foreigners is EXACTLY what the investigation is about! ICE and Homeland Security are requesting election data going back years; Gee, do you think it could be to investigate ineligible non-citizen voters?
Second, the whole ‘nothing to see here’ response only arouses more suspicion. How do you know fraud doesn’t exist, anyhow? Actually, in a very relevant and related bit of information, we KNOW IT DOES. That’s why these subpoenas were issued.
“We demand ICE and the Department of Justice rescind their subpoena request immediately. We will request the Inspectors General of the Department of Justice and the Department of Homeland Security to investigate the legality and motivations for this action. In addition, we will also request the appropriate committees of the House of Representatives to investigate the legality and motivations for this action.”
Demanding the DOJ take it back, that they be investigated for investigating, and that their intentions be examined by congress. Sounds like these Democrats are scared.
Rep. G.K. Butterfield (NC-1) may have good reason to be – his district is comfortably with in the subpoena zone. He may have a pretty safe seat, but he may also have a lot of voter fraud right in his own back yard.
When politicians start to sweat over things like this, it should make you wonder what they’re so worried about?
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