From DH:
The General Assembly passed an atrocity called The Racial Justice Act in 2009. It allowed for a number of inmate death sentences to be thrown out because a defendant “of color” was sentenced to death by a jury that some people thought did not have enough “people of color.” Thankfully, it was repealed in 2013 before too much damage was done.
When lefties talk about “justice”, they don’t mean the same thing we do. To them, “economic justice” is about taking assets from those who work hard and HAVE and “sharing” them with various and sundry constituents of leftist groups and politicians. “Social justice” is about accepting men dressed as women in the ladies room and gay marriage. And “racial justice” is about using government to, um, “even things out” for various and sundry constituents of leftist groups and politicians who may or may not have at one time been “oppressed” by the rest of us.
That same “racial justice” that took so many criminals off of death row may see a rebirth in North Carolina if Anita Earls makes it on the North Carolina Supreme Court. In fact, Earls is [… ]
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