RALEIGH – According to an anonymous source with knowledge of the matter, Democratic U.S. Senate candidate has an eight year old child out of wedlock with the woman referenced by attorney Erin Brinkman as Cunningham’s original, and scorned, mistress.
As we wrote previously:
“Lawyer Erin Brinkman, who practices in North Carolina, literally wrote a Facebook comment in response to the original scandal, reporting that a friend of hers was devastated to learn of the sexual relationship between Cunningham and Arlene Guzman Todd because SHE was ALSO in an illicit extramarital sexual relationship with Cunningham!”
Well, could the mistress in question be so upset because she is also the mother of his secret child?
This may explain why she was reportedly so angry to find out about Cunningham’s affair with another woman, Arlene Guzman Todd. According to the source, the yet to be identified woman “is super pissed.”
Further, it would align with the timeline, as Brinkman suggested the illicit relationship had been going on since 2012.
Did Cunningham impregnate his mistress in 2012, keep it secret for eight years, and then decide to run for a high profile U.S. Senate seat while presenting himself as a family man beyond reproach and begin another sexual affair with a Guzman Todd?
Imagine the gall and narcissism (and immorality) one must have to take these actions while also presenting oneself as a veritable Boy Scout.
First in Freedom Daily is working to confirm and expand upon this information, so stay tuned.
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