That’s what the Left on Twitter is suggesting.
@MarkHarrisNC9 sending emails promoting George Soros conspiracies 24 hours after Soros received a bomb in the mail is exactly what’s wrong with our politics right now. This is pathetic. #ncpol
— Aaron Simpson (@aaronbsimp) October 24, 2018
I wonder if Bob Steinburg and Justice Jackson stand by this video, which they continue to run even after yesterday (and today’s) bombing threats? #ncpol #ncga
— Robert Howard (@RobertWHoward) October 24, 2018
How long after a Leftist madman attempted to assassinate multiple Republican congressmen did Democrats wait to attack the politics of the Right? None. They wasted no time and they did their best to ignore that one of their own was so motivated by the Left’s rhetoric that he was willing to murder people.
Acting as if people’s politics and political influences are off limits because someone regrettably staged apparent bombs is juvenile. The Left may frame coverage of Soros’ political activity as “conspiracies,” but it doesn’t change all the facts and money trails that point directly to George Soros being a sinister influence intent upon demolishing American and Western values. The man is not officially banned by multiple countries for no reason, after all.
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