RALEIGH – Earlier this week the State Board of Elections refused to certify the the results in the 9th Congressional District race between Republican Mark Harris and Democrat Dan McCready. Exactly why the board voted unanimously to deny certification was only hinted at with cryptic comments from the vice chair. Then we learned that the chief investigator for the State Board had seized absentee ballots and envelopes from Bladen County just after the elections.
Now we are getting glimpses of affidavits in which people attest to being the victim of some seriously shady things in that county.
This is a sworn affidavit from Datesha Montgomery:
And this one from Emma Shipman:
According to WFAE in Charlotte, another woman, Lucy Young attested that she received an absentee ballot but never requested one.
It is against the law for a third party to collect absentee ballots by mail from voters. This reeks of a vote harvesting operation.
The Left has argued for years that vote fraud is not a problem because it doesn’t happen. Most people with a little common sense understand that it probably does, and reasonable requirements like Voter ID are important. Admittedly, Voter ID mandates at physical voting sites will not prevent fraud committed via absentee ballots.
These affidavits make clear that SOMETHING fraudulent was happening in Bladen County. People were taken advantage of, lied to, and likely disenfranchised. The question is, ‘by whom?’
In comments related to the State Board’s unanimous vote Democratic vice chair of the Board said he would “no longer turn a blind eye” to “unfortunate activities.”
More details about this investigation are pouring out in real time, so be sure to check back for more updates. It is sure to get a lot more interesting.
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