RALEIGH – The thing about dirt bags is that there’s always seems to be more dirt, if you just keep digging. Such is the case with Democratic U.S. Senate candidate Cal Cunningham.
The veteran and married father of two is now facing allegations of a SECOND mistress, according to reporting from National File’s Patrick Howley, who broke the story of his FIRST mistress with screenshots of ‘Sext Messages’ between Cunningham and and married woman that is now his wife that the Cunningham campaign confirmed as authentic.
This time around it the mistress was not so much outed, as Cunningham was. Lawyer Erin Brinkman, who practices in North Carolina, literally wrote a Facebook comment in response to the original scandal, reporting that a friend of hers was devastated to learn of the secual relationship between Cunningham and Arlene Guzman Todd because SHE was ALSO in an illicit extramarital sexual relationship with Cunningham!
For some reason this second extramarital woman of Cal’s did not stop to consider that he was CHEATING ON HIS WIFE, so he may just be inclined to cheat on her too. Needless to say, this is another giant anchor around the neck of Cunningham when it comes to his political campaign (not to mention his family life).
While he issued a statement confirming, but brushing off the first reported affair, the bombshell report of a second mistress is leading to campaign event cancellations.
A U.S. Senate town hall scheduled for Monday afternoon is off. Unfortunately @CalforNC has backed out. Organizers will try to reschedule. #ncpol #ncsen
— Jeff Tiberii (@j_tibs) October 5, 2020
I’m disappointed for the organizers who worked hard to put this together; also that we will not hear from Cunningham about sexually suggestive texts he sent to a woman (not his wife, nor mother of his children). Fascinated to see when he publicly addresses this..#ncpol #29days
— Jeff Tiberii (@j_tibs) October 5, 2020
Guess Cal wasn’t ready to face the obvious questions about how in the world voters are supposed to trust him, if his wife and family cannot even trust him. Actually, his mistress of eight years cannot trust him either!
In a close election, this kind of one-two punch may end in a TKO for the Democratic hopeful. That is, if Democrat voters themselves care enough about the obvious sham that is Cal Cunningham. That is definitely not assured with the current state if affairs and the severity of Trump Derangement Syndrome.
Further, Cunningham raised tens of millions of dollars from donors hoping to take back this seat in the Senate and perhaps flip the majority. Now that money is in serious danger of being down the drain. Big donors aren’t likely to throw good money after bad
Will he drop out? Will he just ride out the next few weeks with his head low, hoping he’s carried into the U.S. Senate? Or will a third mistress emerge?
It’s 2020, so we’re not counting anything out.
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