The presidential election of 2016 and the improbable rise of Donald Trump to the White House did more than just turn the table over on Democrats, it also left internal Republican factions – Establishment v.s. Everyone Else – battling on well after the bell has rung. A huge primary field, an extended campaign season, and a surplus of energy and angst after eight years of Obama enabled strong and different loyalties to not only form, but really settle in among the top contenders.
Those battles are still being fought by some apparently. N.C. Republican Party leadership has moved to snuff out those who don’t toe the line by revoking the membership of five Republican Party activists in Haywood County where there is a long history of drama between different Republican factions there. In response, the accused have released a recording of key Haywood GOP officials waxing poetic about their distaste for and opposition to Donald Trump, as well as another county Republican candidate.
From the Daily Haymaker:
“The NCGOPe is seeking to revoke party membership from five conservative activists on Saturday on grounds of “party disloyalty.”
But some of the accused aren’t taking this laying down. They’ve released a video containing audio of comments reportedly made by the county party chairman and the county party secretary that sound mighty disloyal, if you ask me.”
The video contains comments that reflect the strong aftereffects of 2016 primary season and the ‘love him or hate him’ nature of Trump. While the diatribe is a fine personal view to have, as representatives of the Republican Party apparatus the explicit opposition to the Republican president and local Republican candidates says a lot about the self- destructive state of many local party arms. Will those in the recording have their party membership revoked?
Below is an excerpt of the official communication describing the agenda to punis the five haywood activists.
“Office of NCGOP General Counsel
NCGOP Executive Committee –> Please review the attachments below prior to the Saturday Executive Committee meeting. Included is a letter from NCGOP General Counsel Tom Stark, a presentation detailing the charges against the five Haywood County respondents, the Saturday meeting notice, the Saturday draft agenda, the link to the Hall of Fame website, a recent local newspaper article (background information only), the Haywood County resolution, and the 11th District resolution.
This information is only for members of the NCGOP Executive Committee and will be presented as the “investigative report” in accordance with Roberts Rules of Order.”
The efforts to kick activists our of the party, when yesterday’s election proved we need as big a coalition in the party as possible to advance Republican paltform items, seems counterproductive at best.
Moreover, while the ‘Never Trump’ county leaders in the recording are free to be activists for their obviously impassioned cause in their own time, it is cancerous to have such self-loathing instilled by official representatives of N.C. Republican Party. At this point, direct opposition to the already sitting president of your party is worse than counterproductive. It’s political suicide.
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