RALEIGH – After whining about vaccination rates hitting a wall over recent weeks, Governor Roy Cooper and company were excited to announce they’d be dragging North Carolina into the embarrassing practice of awarding entries into a big cash giveaway in exchange for getting the China Virus vaccine.
“Everyone who gets a COVID-19 vaccination is a winner! They protect themselves, their loved ones and others from severe illness, hospitalization and death. Millions of people have already taken the vaccines. These summer cash drawings add another reward to the many that come with getting a COVID-19 vaccination,” Health Czar Dr. Mandy Cohen says on the ‘Summer Vax Cash’ website.
“This is your shot at a million. Regardless of who wins, there’s no way to lose,” Cooper said at the press conference unveiling the scheme. “A chance at a million dollars is pretty good motivation. But even if your name isn’t drawn, the worst you’ll do is get strong protection from a deadly virus.”
Spending other people’s (future generations’) money comes easy to those in government, but this cash giveaway is only a consolation for Cohen and Cooper; if they could force your to ‘take your shot,’ they would.
Four $1 million prizes will be awarded over the summer months to adults who get the vaccine. For the kids, four scholarships of $125,000 will be awarded.
All adults who get the vaccine, or have already been vaccinated, will automatically be entered to win.
This seems like a passing detail, at first, but upon further consideration it raises an important question. Who’s keeping an active and updated list of who has and who has not taken the COVID jab? Is it appropriate for the executive branch to make and use a list curated by personal medical information, and attached directly to your identity (or else how will they know who to write the check to?), for use in a non-medical, behavior-shaping program like cash for inoculation?
It is conspicuous at best.
Further, we think the Cooper administration will find that the cash giveaway, despite their best efforts, will not make a very big dent among groups that have yet to get the shot. Laziness or lack of information isn’t likely a primary factor within that group, but rather a decision each individual has made about their own preference and interpretations of risk/reward ratio involved.
A 30 year old who has already recovered from COVID, and decided not to get the vaccine, is not going to suddenly roll up their sleeve for a small chance at $1 million. They could just as easily drop a dollar for a small chance at much more, and without submitting to government medical pressure campaign.
That spark another question: what about the infected and recovered? Those individuals are protected as much (and more so) than anyone receiving a vaccine, they are not transmitting the virus, and Cooper and the Left act as if they do not exist.
Par for the course, unfortunately, when it comes to Cooper and the continuation of nonsensical Pandemic Panic.
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