Speaking with Clinton lackey George Stephanopoulos on ABC’s “This Week,” Harvard Law professor Alan Dershowitz outlined his prediction that the report from Special Counsel Robert Mueller would be “politically very devastating” to President Trump.
But Dershowitz also indicated that he believes no criminal case will come from the Mueller report.
“I think the report is going to be devastating to the president,” Dershowitz explained. “I know the president’s team is working on a response to the report. And so at some point when the report is made public, and that’s a very hard question considering the new attorney general who has the authority to decide when and under what circumstance to make it public, it will be made public probably with a response alongside. The president will say it’s political. There’s their account and our account.”
“When I say devastating, I mean it’s going to paint a picture that’s going to be politically very devastating,” Dershowitz continued. “I still don’t think it’s going to make a criminal case.”
You can watch the full exchange here:
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