MONTPELIER, VT – First it was New York, then some Democrats in Virginia made a go at it, and now Vermont is voting to double down on codifying extreme no-limits abortion in an abomination of the unalienable right to Life.
From Washington Examiner:
“The Vermont House overwhelmingly passed Thursday a sweeping, no-limits abortion bill that makes terminating a pregnancy a “fundamental right” and ensures access to the procedure at every stage of gestation.
H.57 was approved by a vote of 106-36 after legislators defeated a dozen proposed amendments offered by Republicans, including provisions requiring a 48-hour waiting period, parental notification for minors and a cut-off at 24 weeks’ gestation except in medical emergencies.
“I trust women. Therefore I cast my vote in favor of codifying protections Vermonters already have in safeguarding this fundamental reproductive right,” said state Rep. Becca White, Hartford Democrat, in her floor speech.
Meanwhile, Vermont Right to Life executive director Mary Hahn Beerworth blasted Democrats for rejecting “common-sense amendments to protect minor girls, to limit abortions on unborn babies in the later states of development, to provide informed consent (including alternatives to abortion), to provide regulation and inspection of abortion clinics.”
“It is official. The Vermont Democrat Party now holds the dubious distinction of being the party of unlimited, unrestricted and unregulated abortion-on-demand throughout pregnancy,” Ms. Beerworth said in a statement. […]”
Do Democrats really think they’re winning the narrative with positions and policies as extreme as murdering an unborn child moments before birth? Somehow we don’t think this is as popular as they think it is among the American populace. While there may be room for reasonable debate about abortion in the very early stages of a pregnancy, the push to kill unborn babies for nearly any reason, at any stage of pregnancy is utterly depraved.
The only possible positive that could come of this is that the American people see just how depraved many on the Left as they continually reveal themselves to be champions of borderline infanticide.
Read more about the legislation in Vermont here.
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