ROBESON COUNTY – Bladen County may be the one getting national media attention for election shenanigans, but it is certainly not alone when it comes to sketchy electoral practices. However, when those practices are designed to benefit Democrats, no one seems to care.
Robeson County is right next door to Bladen, and is known as a hot spot for pre-determined electoral outcomes depending on who writes the bigger check. It also happens to be the home county of Joshua Malcolm, the new chair of the State Board of Elections, a Democrat, who said he would ‘no longer turn a blind eye’ to apparent fraud activities.
Maybe the info below is the kind of thing he has a habit turning a blind eye to? Because the shenanigans that the Daily Haymaker details benefit Democrats:
“My sources on the ground in Robeson County tell me that the state and national Democrat “get out the vote” cash — paying for the very same work apparently that Dowless got paid for next door in Bladen — ran through the campaign of Democrat district attorney candidate Matt Scott. (Scott beat Republican Allan Adams on November 6.)
A “committee” participating in election activity would HAVE to be registered with at least ONE of those three entities. And it’s NOT. WHAT did the Scott campaign — and Democrats running in Robeson County — get for the $14,250.00 paid to this “committee”?
We paid a visit to our friends at Google to trace the ownership of PO Box 1741 in Lumberton — the address listed for the Robeson Get Out the Vote Committee. [… ]
Jerry Stephens is an incumbent (Democrat) county commissioner in Robeson County and a prominent community and political figure in the county’s black community.
The only significant races in Robeson County in November were the Ninth Congressional District race, the district attorney’s race, and one state district court race (which also appears to be mired in controversy).
According to the Scott campaign filing, it paid a total of $38,030 to 18 different people or organizations in Robeson County alone for “get out the vote” in the just-completed election cycle.
GOTV efforts for Scott likely benefited Dan McReady and any other Democrat on the ballot in the county.
That’s a lot for a local county race. And everyone’s bent out of shape about McRae Dowless and his $7,000 from the Harris campaign.”
And it’s not as if this kind of thing is new for Robeson County, or the very individuals mentioned above. In fact, they’ve been getting big paychecks from the Robeson County Democratic Party for a while.
“2018 wasn’t Stephens’s first go-’round with GOTV. In 2012, he ran something called The Robeson Committee on the Affairs of Black People. The month before the November election that year — which included a presidential and gubernatorial vote — the Robeson County Democrat Party loaded Stephens’s organization up with cash to the tune of $54,000.
- On October 12, 2012, the county party organization paid Stephens’s group $10,000
- On October 18, 2012, the county party paid Stephens’s group $10,000
- On October 25, 2012, the county party paid Stephens’s group $9,000
- On October 26, 2012, the county party paid Stephens’s group $1,000.
- On October 31, 2012, the county party paid Stephens’s group $7,000
- On Stephens’s group’s Q3 report, they show a $17,000 payment from county Democrats”
Apparently, paying for GOTV services is a problem when it happens in Bladen County and benefits Republicans. The drivebys and the Democrats are all over that story. Yet, we’re seeing a whole lot of ho-hum about similar hijinks in next-door Robeson County (also in the 9th district) that dealt with a lot more cash and benefited Democrats.”
Do you think the local, statewide, or national media will have any interest in getting to the bottom of suspicious election GOTV contracts that benefit the Democrats? Not a chance. At least not to the order of magnitude we see regarding Mark Harris and Bladen County, because it doesn’t fit the narrative.
Read more inside scoops on Robeson County here and here.
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