If you’ve visited Twitter, or watched any media coverage of the special session the General Assembly convened this afternoon, you’ve seen Democrats frantically running around like chickens with their heads cut off over a “court packing” scheme that is NOT going to happen. Period.
Floating around the Raleigh GOP inner-circle over the past few weeks is the rumor (though, most certainly fact) that Governor McCrory has told lawmakers that he wouldn’t go along with such a measure. That means he’d let the appointments sit until Roy Cooper takes over, allowing Democrats to essentially have a 6-3 advantage in the State Supreme Court, if Republicans tired to pack the court.
Does anyone honestly believe Republicans would hear this warning from McCrory and take a massive risk of having a 6-3 liberal advantage on the court?
Nope. Not even a little bit.
Nevertheless, guys like Speaker Tim Moore are being forced to continuously deny the Democrat rumor of a “court packing” scheme, as he did again this morning, because liberal whackos continue to run around Raleigh and in the media pretending this is a reality.
“The only people discussing a Supreme Court bill are the Democrats. That’s not something we’re discussing,” said Moore, a Kings Mountain Republican. “I don’t believe we ought to do it. I’ve made that clear from day one. That’s not something we’re looking at.”
And for all of the issues I personally don’t agree with Moore on, he’s right! He has made it clear from day one that this isn’t an option. Every member in the GOP leadership has.
This is a #FakeNews story Democrats across the country are railing against right now. But North Carolina’s mainstream media, led by WRAL, continue to push the false narrative.
This Democrat-fueled scheme is never going to happen. Republicans really aren’t as stupid as Democrats and the media have made them out to be.
These guys understand the beating they’ve received over issues like #HB2.
To think that they would follow that up by pulling off a “court packing” scheme is ridiculous, at best.
But still, in order to build up their email lists and try and pad their bank accounts, liberal groups like Progress NC Action and the NC NAACP are trumpeting a measure that has as much chance of becoming a reality as the head of the NC NAACP, William Barber, skipping a meal.
“Court-packing is the white elephant in every room in the General Assembly this morning,” said Progress NC Action’s Gerrick Brenner.
Hundreds of protesters from liberal groups like the NC NAACP, Progress N.C. Action and Voters for Clean Elections are all waiting in the cold outside the General Assembly for nothing.
And the leaders of these groups know it.
Hopefully, this will be put to rest by noon on Wednesday, when the deadline for members in the House to fill bills passes. (Senators have until 5:00PM on Tuesday to get their bills in.)
But, of course, we are talking about Democrats here.
So the pointless protests, and all the overreactions, will most likely continue.
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